[1]. 國家自然科學基金青年項目“基于區域-負載均衡的智慧物流主動響應式異質車輛路徑問題研究”(項目編号:72201189). 起止時間:2023.01-2025.12. 經費:30萬元. 主持.
[2]. 山西省哲學社會科學規劃課題黨的十九屆六中全會及省第十二次黨代會專項課題“數字經濟時代下山西省物流産業高質量發展研究”. (項目編号:2022YD035). 起止時間:2022.09-2023/09,在研,主持;
[3]. 山西省基礎研究計劃自由探索類青年項目“基于區域及負載特征的陸港型國家物流樞紐兩級車輛路徑優化方法研究”(項目編号:202103021223049). 起止時間:2022.01-2024.12. 經費:5萬元. 主持.
[4]. 山西省基礎研究計劃(自由探索類)面上項目“面向工業雲平台基于需求預測的共享制造服務前攝性調度優化研究”(項目編号:202303021221035). 起止時間:2024.01 -2026.12. 經費:8萬元. 參與.
[5]. 重慶市科學技術局面上項目“重慶物流産業節能減排關鍵技術—碳足迹集成建模及智慧物流系統研究”(項目編号:cstc2019jscx-msxm0267). 起止時間:2019.09-2021.09,經費:20萬元. 參與;
[1]Jianxin Wang, Ming K. Lim*, Chao Wang, Ming-Lang Tseng. The evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) over the past 20 years. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2021, 155, 1-17. SCI.
[2]林明錦,王建新*,王超. 考慮動态度和時間窗的兩級車輛路徑問題. 計算機集成制造系統. 2021, 2020-0453. EI.
[3]Ming K. Lim, Jianxin Wang*, Chao Wang, Ming-Lang Tseng. A novel method for green delivery mode considering shared vehicles in the IoT environment. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 2020, 120 (9), 1733-1757. SCI.
[4]Jianxin Wang, Ming K. Lim*, Yuanzhu Zhan, XiaoFeng Wang. An intelligent logistics service system for enhancing dispatching operations in an IoT environment. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2020, 135,1-23. SSCI/SCI.
[5]Jianxin Wang, Ming K Lim*, Ming-Lang Tseng, Yu Yang. Promoting a low carbon agenda in the urban logistics network distribution system. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 211, 146-160. SCI.
[6]. Jianxin Wang, Yu Yang*, Na Zhang. Optimization of logistics collaborative distribution routing based on improved Ant Colony Algorithm [C]// (2017), 10.1109/ICITM.2017.7917892, 36-40. (EI).
[7]. Jianxin Wang, Ming K Lim*. “A green logistics model design based on internet of things: aims to improve customer’s satisfaction and reducing carbon emissions”. Y-RIB 2019. 1-3 Dec 2019, Chongqing university, China. (參會論文).
[8]. Jianxin Wang, Ming K Lim*, Yuanzhu Zhan. “A Green Production Scheduling Optimization Method Considering Task Collaboration”. ICMR 2019. 9-12 Sept 2019, 513-518, Queen's University Belfast, UK. (參會論文).
[9]. Jianxin Wang, Ming K Lim*, Jiayao Hu, Yu Yang and Shun Fung Chiu. “A Study on Logistics Distribution Routing Optimization under the Urgency of Customer Time Demands”. APIEMS 2018. 5-8 December 2018, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. (參會論文).
[10]. Jianxin Wang, Ming K Lim*. “Promoting the Transformation and Upgrading of the Port Combined Transport Based Sharing Economic”. Y-RIB 2018. 2-5 December 2018, Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Zhou Shan, China. (參會論文).
[1]. 中國煤炭學會經濟管理專業委員會2023年年會暨第二十一屆中國煤炭經濟管理論壇. 北京. 2023.12.16-17.
[2]. The 6th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management. University of Cambridge. Cambridge. UK. 2017.03.07-10.
[3]. The 1st International Conference of the Yangtze River Research and Innovation Belt. 浙江大學. 浙江. 2018.12.03-04.
[4]. The 19th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems. The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. 2018.12.05-07
[5]. The 17th International Conference on Manufacturing Research. Queen's University Belfast. Belfast. UK. 2019.09.09-12
[6]. The 2nd International Conference of the Yangtze River Research and Innovation Belt. 重慶大學. 重慶. 2019.12.01-03